Admissibility of HRA in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of Railway residential accommodation to Railway employees
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
Interinatioal Transport Workers FoideratIon (ITF)
No.I/5(c)/Part II
Dated: 12/03/2020
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Admissibility of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of Railway Residential accommodation-reg.
Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM Item No. 40/2012.
(ii) NFIR’s letter No. I/5(c)/Part I dated 22/02/2016, 25/04/2016, 01/08/2016 & 04/11/2016.
(iii) Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)-II/2012/FE2/4 dated 31/10/2016 & 16/03/2017.
(iv) NFIR’s letter No.I/5(c)/Part I dated 07/04/2017, 19/06/2017, 15/07/2017 & 23/08/2017.
(v) Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2017/HRA/-3 dated 15/01/2018.
(vi) NFIR’s letter No.I/5(c)/P art I dated 16/01/2018 & 12/02/2018.
(vii) Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II/2017/HRA-3 dated 09/05/2018 addressed to GS/NFIR.
(viii) Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II/2012/FE2/4 dated 02/04/2019.
The issue of ‘Admissibility of HRA in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of Railway residential accommodation’ to Railway employees was raised by NFIR in the PNM forum at Railway Board’s level vide agenda Item No.40/2012. Consequently, Railway Board vide letter dated 02/04/2019 issued instructions in consultation with Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs/Ministry of Finance, but however, the Railway Board has not mentioned in the letter, NFIR’s PNM Item and discussions held on the subject matter.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to kindly issue corrigendum to its letter dated 02/04/2019, duly indicating NFIR’s PNM Agenda item and discussions.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary