Elimination of line boxes of Loco Pilots & Guards and introduction of Trolley Bags and TABs
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
Dated: 07/10/2020
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Elimination of line boxes of Loco Pilots & Guards and introduction of Trolley Bags and TABs — reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No.2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 07.02.2018.
(ii) NFIR’s letter of even No. dated 19.02.2018.
(iii) Railway Board’s letter No.2020/E&R/10(3)/1 dated 06.07.2020 to GMs of ER, NR, SCR and WR.
(iv) NFIR’s letter No. IV/RSAC/2020 dated 15/07/2020.
With reference to the Railway Board’s instructions issued vide letter dated 06/07/2020 to the General Managers of Eastern, Northern, South Central & Western Railways, NFIR vide its letter dated 15/07/2020 gave following suggestions to save huge amount of money being spent on purchasing Trolley Bags every year by the Railway Administration and to equally mitigate the hardships faced by the Running Staff:-
➢ TABs (electronic storage) of all types of books which Loco Pilot and Guard need to carry, may be given to all Loco Pilots and Guards including freight staff.
➢ All types of tools including flags and detonators pertain to Loco Pilots may be kept as equipment of locomotive (diesel/electric).
➢ All types of tools including flags and detonators pertain to guards may be kept in Guards SLR in secured and locked condition including freight SLRs.
Federation however feels disappointed that a period of more than two months has since passed, progress made on the subject has not been conveyed to the Federation, particularly when the views of Staff Unions were also sought by the Railway Ministry.
While enclosing copy of its letter dated 15/07/2020, NFIR once again urges upon the Railway Board to kindly consider valid suggestions mentioned above and issue modified instructions to all Zonal Railways accordingly, so that Railways’ revenue is not wasted.
DA/As above
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Source: NFIR