Elimination of line boxes of Loco Pilots & Guards and introduction of Trolley Bags and TABs
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to : Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
Dated: 15.07.2020
The Secretary (E)
Railway Board
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub : Elimination of line boxes of Loco Pilots & Guards and introduction of Trolley Bags and TABs – reg.
Ref : i) Railway Board’s letter No.2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 07.02.2018.
ii) NFIR’s letter of even No. dated 19.02.2018.
iii) Railway Board’s letter No.2020/E&R/10(3)/1 dated 06.07.2020 to GMs of ER,NR, SCR and WR.
The Railway Board vide letter dated 07.02.2018 (Ref-i) had advised GMs to provide suitable trolley bags and TABs to Loco Pilots and Guards on trial basis on NR and SCR. Accordingly 217 Trolley bags and TABs were introduced for coaching Guards of SC depot of SC division of SCR. For Loco Pilots on SCR, Common Mini Line box was introduced prior to issuance of above referred Railway Board’s letter dated 07.02.2018 and TABs were also issued to coaching Loco Pilots of BZA division of SCR.
In this connection, kind attention is invited to NFIR’s letter dated 19.02.2018 (Ref-ii), wherein several constraints have been highlighted in implementing Board’s guidelines which would cause hardship to running staff and urged to withdraw the relevant instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 07/02/2018.
Railway Board vide letter dated 06.07.2020 (Ref-iii) has advised NR, ER, SCR and WR to report the experience of implementation of trolley bags and TABs. It is however observed that Trolley bags and TABs were so far introduced partially in SC Division of SCR (for Guards only) and BRC Division of WR (for LPs and Guards). Trolley bags were not introduced either for Guards or Loco Pilots in NR and ER.
As already explained in NFIR’s letter dated 19.02.2018 (Ref-ii), the running staff are very unhappy with the proposal of trolley bags in lieu of individual line boxes in view of constraints and practical difficulties mentioned below:-
i) Space in supplied trolley bags is insufficient to keep walkie-talkie with spare battery, HS lamp and LV board (for Guards), night dress, spare uniform, spare spectacles, under garments, bed sheets & towels, slippers, winter/rain coats etc.
ii) The detonators are explosive material, therefore to carry them in public places such as platforms and on the service roads could be violation of Arms/Explosives Act and Railways Act.
iii) With these items, the total weight of trolley bag becomes 10Kg plus and is very difficult to carry while coming to duty on two wheeler, walking in yards and also to climb FOBs etc.
iv) In most of the stations, running rooms are far away from crew lobby and staff need to walk atleast more than a kilometer duly pulling trolley bags on road which is unsafe.
v) It will also be risky for Loco Pilots/Guards to keep detonators/explosives at residence or with them during transit and bringing trolley from residence t Lobby and back. The working atmosphere of Loco Pilot/Guard is not like that of Air Craft Pilot. The Loco Pilot/Guard has to walk within/outside yard, on rough roads most of the time and not at place like airport, where using trolley bags is not difficult.
NFIR therefore suggests as under, instead of spending huge amount of money for purchasing Trolley bags every year:
- TABs (electronic Storage) of all types of books which Loco Pilot and Guard need to carry, may be given to all Loco pilots and Guards including freight staff.
- All types of tools including flags and detonators pertain to Loco pilots may be kept as equipment of locomotive (diesel/electric)
- All types of tools including flags and detonators pertain to guards may be kept in Guards SLR in secured and locked condition including freight SLRs
NFIR, once again requests the Railway Board to kindly review and withdraw the earlier instructions for introducing trolley bags to Loco Pilots and Guards over Indian Railways.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Source: NFIR