Plasma treatment for COVID-19 affected Railwaymen
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
Dated: 30/07/2020
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Plasma treatment for COVID-19 affected Railwaymen — Need for creation of Plasma Donors Bank exclusively for Railwaymen-reg.
Amid COVID-19 pandemic in the country, the Railway employees have been performing their duties braving the Corona Virus infection. Despite precautionary measures, some Railway employees unfortunately got infected with COVID-19, consequently they have been undergoing treatment in Railway Hospitals while some employees lost their lives.
In this connection, NFIR conveys that plasma has since been recognized as reliable treatment method for COVID-19. The ICMR has also suggested to adopt. Plasma treatment and accordingly some States have started giving Plasma treatment for COVID-19 patients.
NFIR, therefore, suggests that the Railway Administration should have data bank of COVID-19 recovered patients (Railway employees and their family members) for creating a plasma donors bank exclusively for Railway population.
It is therefore requested to kindly arrange to see that necessary initiatives are taken for establishing Data Bank of COVID-19 recovered patients to facilitate providing plasma treatment to the COVID-19 affected Railway employees and families.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR