Re-introduction of quarantine leave provision due to pandemic situation
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
Dated: 24/06/2020
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Re-introduction of quarantine leave provision due to pandemic situation — reg.
Ref: GS/NFIR’ s letter No.NFIR/Covid-19/202-I dated 08/06/2020 to the CRB and copy sent to DG/HR, Railway Board, New Delhi.
Kind attention of Railway Board (CRB) is invited to NFIR’s letter of even number dated 8th June, 2020 on the above subject.
The Covid-19 cases are on the increase and despite several preventive measures, railway employees/officers are also becoming victims of pandemic, while good number of staff are admitted in hospitals being Covid-19 positive. This number is likely to increase in the coming days as the virus is spreading very rapidly. There are also good number of cases wherein, the employees are kept on institutional quarantine/home quarantine. Problem, has arisen with regard to treating the period as the administrations at Zonal and Lower level are marking them absent in such situations.
Although para 7.9 of Master Circular No.10, states that the absence period of employees due to bandh/curfew and other disturbances like failure of transport facilities be treated as special casual leave, the said para is not being made applicable by the Zonal Railways etc., for treating the period during pandemic situation as special casual leave. NFIR has already requested the CRB through its letter dated 8th June 2020 to take necessary action for re-introducing quarantine leave provision in the IREC and it is hoped that the Railway Board would take positive decision soon.
In order to mitigate hardship being faced by staff, NFIR requests the Railway Board (CRB) to accord approval for treating the quarantine period (institutional/home) as a special casual leave. Reports have since been received that the employees residing in containment zones are not able to report to duty due to restrictions clamped by the State Government authorities. In those cases also, their absence needs to be treated as special casual leave and therefore requested to issue instructions to Zonal Railways etc., accordingly.
Yours faithfully
(Dr M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR