Special incentive to the Railway Medical Staff
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
Dated: 27/06/2020
Shri Piyush Goyal,
Hon’ble Minister of Railways,
Rail Bhavan,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Special incentive to the Railway Medical Staff in appreciation of their service during Covid-19 pandemic situation-reg.
Many Railway Hospitals have been treating the Covid-19 patients with the active involvement of Medical Staff of various categories while encountering the difficulties listed below:-
(a) Heavy shortage of Health Workers in erstwhile Group ‘D’ and Group ‘C’ categories in Medical Department, resulting existing staff shouldering additional burden in order to save the lives of patients.
(b) The Medical Staff of over 55 years age are also attending on Covid-19 patients, facing infection risk.
(c) After performing duties, the Medical Staff are staying in private accommodation without going to their respective residences in order to avoid infection risk to their family members and in the process they pay rent for private accommodation and spend money towards food expenses.
(d) Many house owners hesitate to let out their housing accommodation to Medical Staff, for fear of Corona Virus infection. The house owners demand more amount towards rental charges which is paid by Medical Staff, having no other alternative.
(e) The Medical Staff living at far away places turn up to duty using their own vehicles, thus incurring additional expenditure.
(f) There are cases of Medical Staff got infected in the course of treating the Covid-19 patients, consequently they are hospitalized. The shortage on this account has also been burdening the available staff. With this handicap, the staff are working with devotion. In Lock Down areas, the Medical Staff are also facing difficulty in getting food and other basic necessities.
It is however sad that although Railway Medical Staff have been performing duties facing several hardships mentioned above, they have not been granted any incentive or additional pay package in recognition of their exemplary service during the present crisis period. Some State Governments (e.g. Tamil Nadu Government) have granted double payment to the Medical Staff.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Hon’ble Railway Minister to kindly consider the case of Railway Medical Personnel and accord sanction for payment of additional incentive or additional allowance.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR