OROP- Nb Sub & Equivalent (Y GP) Arrears (WEF 10 July 14 to 31 Jan 16)
OROP- Nb Sub & Equivalent (Y GP) Arrears (WEF 10 July 14 to 31 Jan 16)
Reader Interactions
Nisit kumar Dey (616499)says
I have retired from Indian Air Force wef 29 Feb 2004 As JWO After completion of 32 years please let me know what is my new basic pension. Till date I have not got any single benefit from OROP
Nisit kumar Dey (616499) says
I have retired from Indian Air Force wef 29 Feb 2004 As JWO After completion of 32 years please let me know what is my new basic pension. Till date I have not got any single benefit from OROP
Devi Singh says
I have retired from Navy wef 30 April 1996. As Chief petty officer after 32 years of service.please let me know what is my new basic pension.
Devi Singh says
I have retired from navy after 32years of service on 30 April 1996.as chief petty officer.plz let me know what is my new basic pension.
gopal singh says
i have completed 24 yrs in Army as a Hav y gp my basic pension 9382 /- no OROP benefit pl give me suggestion
EX HAV Gopal singh says
i have completed 24yrs service in army as a Hav y group my basic pension 9382 /- no orop benefit pl give me suggestion