Life Certificate New Format – PCDA Circular No.183
Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Draupadi
Ghat, Allahabad-211014
Circular No. 183
No. AT/Tech/30-XVII
Dated: 16.05.2016
1. The Chief Accountant, RBI Deptt. of Govt. Bank
Accounts, Central office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla
Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai-400051
2. The Director of Treasuries of all state
3. The Manger CPPC of Public Sector Banks including IDBI
4. The CDA (PD) Meerut
5. The CDA-Chennai
6. The Nodal Officers (ICICI/ AXIS/HDFC Bank)
7. The Pay & Accounts Officers
8. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy Kathmandu,
9. The DPDO
10 The Post Master
Sub: DPPI 2013-Amendment to relevant provision thereof.
Proforma of Life Certificate to be submitted by pensioners once a year in November has been provided in form No.5 of Appendix 11 of DPPI 2013. The competent authority has accorded his approval for amendment in the said proforma, vide Correction slip No. 01/2016 (copy enclosed).It is therefore, requested that life certificates from defence pensioners/family pensioners may be obtained in new proforma mentioned above.
Further attention is drawn to this office circular No. 182 dt. 26/11/2015 wherein it was intimated that for providing information or help to pensioner/ family pensioners on pensionary matter this office has initialized a TOLL FREE NUMBER 1800-180-5325. Consequent upon initialization of above TOLL FREE NUMBER 1800-180-5325, it has been decided to discontinue the old TOLL FREE NUMBER 1800-180-5321.However pensioner/ family pensioner can use new TOLL FREE NUMBER 1800-180-5325.
Therefore, it is also requested that discontinuance of old TOLL FREE NUMBER 1800-180-5321, may be given publicity among the pensioners/family pensioner through your notice board.
(Abhishek Singh)
Asst.CDA (P)