Service Pension to the Havildar granted Honorary Rank of Naib Subedar retiring on or after 01.01.2016
Government of India
Ministry of Defence (Finance)
Web: www.pcdapension.nic.in, email: cda-albd@nic.in
EPBX Tele: 0532-2421877;2421879;2421880, Extension:216
Toll Free No: 1800-180-5325 (Timing-9:30 AM to 6:00 PM)
Circular No.634
Dated: 01.06.2020
The OI/C Records
Subject:- Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission- in respect of Service Pension to the Havildar granted Honorary Rank of Naib Subedar retiring on or after 01.01.2016.
Reference: – Circular No.584 dated 07.09.2017.
Reference is invited towards this office Circular No.584 dated 07.09.2017. In this circular orders and procedure of pensionary award of 7th CPC were circulated with LPCs & its filling instructions. But the Circular is silent in respect of service pension of Havildar granted Hony Rank of Naib Subedar. A clarification was sought for regarding applicability of MoD letter dated 12.06.2009 for post 2016 retirees. It has now been clarified by the competent authority that ibid MoD letter is also applicable to post-2016 retirees Havildar granted Honorary rank of Naib Subedar.
2. Now, it has been decided that in all such cases the field SI No. 93 (Field name-Average Pay) of LPC-Cum Data Sheet of Circular No. 584 dt 07.09.2017 is invariably to be filled with Notional Pay of Havildar granted Hony. Naib Subedar fixed in Level-6 for Pension purpose only.
3. All other terms and condition shall be applied as per various paras of this govt. order as well as the existing provisions on the issue.
4. This circular is applicable in respect of service pension to the Havildar granted Honorary Rank of Naib Subedar retiring on or after 01.01.2016.
5. This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in.
6. Hindi version will follow.
(Sushil Kumar Singh)
Bashisht Kumar Pandey says
when will I receive Hony Nb/Sub PPO .
Hony Sub Maj Mahabir Singh Negi says
Pension for all hony commission/hony ranks has been revised except for the rank of hony sub/Maj granted to Subedars on retirement.. If there is no benefit, this hony rank of sub Maj should not be granted to Subefars on their retirement.