Rajasthan G.O – Revision of pension of pre – 01.10.2017 State pensioners / family pensioners
No, F. 12(6) FD(Rules)/2017
Jaipur, dated : 30th October, 2017
Subject: Revision of pension of pre – 01.10.2017 State pensioners / family pensioners etc.
The Governor is pleased to order that the Pension / Family Pension of all the pre – 01.10.2017 State Pensioners / Family Pensioners be revised with effect from 01.10.2017 in the manner indicated in the succeeding paragraphs except otherwise provided.
2. These orders shall apply to all service pensioners/ family pensioners who were in receipt of pension / family pension on 01.10.2017 under the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
3. In this order:
a. ‘Existing pensioner’ or ‘Existing family pensioner’ means a pensioner who was drawing / entitled to pension /family pension as on 30,09.2017.
b. ‘Existing pension means the basic pension/ consolidated pension inclusive of commuted portion, if any, due on 30.09.2017.
c. ‘Existing Family Pension’ means the basic family pension / consolidated family pension drawn on 30.09.2017.
d. ‘Bank’ means the branch of the Bank from which the pensioner is getting his pension.
4. (i) The existing pensioners who have retired before 01.10.2017, the revised pension/ family pension w.e.f, 01.10.2017 shall be determined by the multiplying the existing pension/existing family pension by 2.57. The amount of revised pension/ family pension so arrived at shall be rounded off to next higher rupee.
(ii) The revised pension / family pension w.e.f 01.10.2017 in respect of pensioner / family pensioner who retired / died prior to 01.10.2017 will be revised by nationality fixing their pay in Level in the Pay Matrix corresponding to the pay in the pay scale / running pay band / grade pay at which they retired / died, In this regard detailed order / instructions will be issued separately.
5. For this purpose, the existing pension/family pension will be the basic pension/family pension only without the element of additional pension available to the old pensioners/family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above. The additional pension/family pension payable to the old pensioners/family pensioners will be worked
out in accordance with para 8 of this order.
6, Since the revised pension will be inclusive of commuted portion of pension, if any, the commuted portion will be deducted from the said amount while making monthly disbursements,
7, The minimum pension with effect from 01,10.2017 will be Rs. 8850/“ per month (excluding the element of additional pension to old pensioners). The upper ceiling of pension/family pension will be 50% and 30% respectively of the highest pay in the Government. (The highest pay in the Government is Rs. 2,18,600 with effect from
8, The quantum of age related additional pension/family pension available to the old pensioners/ family pensioners shall continue to be as follows:-
Age of Pensioner /Family Pensioner | Additional quantum of Pensioner |
From 80 years to less than 85 years | 20% of revised basic Pension/ Family Pension |
From 85 years to less than 90 years | 30% of revised basic Pension/ Family Pension |
From 90 years to less than 95 years | 40% of revised basic Pension/ Family Pension |
From 95 Years to less than 100 years | 50% of revised basic Pension/ Family Pension |
100 years or more | 100% of revised basic Pension /Family Pension |
The amount of additional pension will be shown distinctly in the pension payment order, For example, in case where a pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his/her revised pension in terms of para 4 above Is Rs,- 10,000 pm , the pension will be shown as (I) Basic pension Rs.10,000 and (ii) Additional pension – Rs. 2,000 p.m. The pension on his/her attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i) Basic Pension – Rs,10,000 and (ii) additional pension Rs.3,000 p.m. Dearness relief will be admissible on the additional pension available to the old pensioners also.
9. The revised pension/family pension arrived at as per paragraph 4 includes dearness relief sanctioned from 01.10.2017. The revised pension / family pension, as worked out in accordance with provisions of para 4 above shall be treated as final ’Basic Pension’ / ’Basic Family Pension’ w.e.f. 01.10,2017 and shall qualify for grant of Dearness relief sanctioned thereafter.
10. Where the revised pension/family pension in terms of paragraph 4 above works out to an amount less than Rs. 8850/- the same shall be stepped up to Rs. 8850/-. This will be regarded as pension/family pension with effect from 01.10.2017.
11. The existing instructions regarding regulation of dearness relief to employed/re-employed pensioners/family pensioners, as contained in Rule 77 of Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules,1996 as amended from time to time, shall continue to apply.
12. The cases of Government employees who have been permanently absorbed in public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies will be regulated as follows;-
Where the Government servants on permanent absorption in central public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies continue to draw pension separately from the Government, the pension of such absorbents will be updated in terms of these orders, In cases where the Government servants have drawn one time lump sum terminal benefits equal to 100% of their pensions and have became entitled to the restoration of full pension as per the Instructions issued or sanctioned by this Department from time to time, They will also be entitle for revision of pension under this order including para 8 of this order.
In cases where, on permanent absorption in Central! public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies, the terms of absorption and/or the rules permit grant of family pension under the RCS (Pension) Rules, 1996, the family pension being drawn by family pensioners will be updated in accordance with these orders.
13. The Procedure for revision of pension and payment of arrears:
(i) The Pensioner / Family Pensioner shall surrender his/ her half of Pension Payment Order to the pension disbursing authority Le. the branch of the Bank / Treasury Officer Pension / Treasury Officer as the case may be, requesting for revision of his/ her pension / and family pension in the proforma enclosed with this order.
(ii) The pension paying branch of the Bank will forward both the halves of Pension Payment Order Indicating the amount of pension / family pension, and dearness relief paid so far to the concerned Treasury Officer/ Treasury Officer Pension. The Bank shall, however, even after sending the Pension Payment Order to the Treasury Officer Pension/ Treasury Officer shall continue to make disbursing of pension / family pension at the last rate for a period of six months or receipt of the revised Pension Payment Order, whichever is earlier.
( iii) The Treasury Officer Pension / Treasury Officer shall revised pension and / or family pension on 01.10.2017 as per provision of this order.
(iv) The Treasury Officer Pension / Treasury Officer shall calculate the amount of arrears payable to the pensioner.
(v) Where the pensioner is getting pension from a Bank, the authority for payment of arrear as well as the revised pension payment order shall be forwarded to. the same branch of the Bank from which the pensioner was earlier getting pension by the Treasury Officer Pension / Treasury Officer. While authorizing the monthly disbursement of revised pension, the amount of commuted portion if any, shall be deducted from the revised pension.
(vi) In case of death of a pensioner, the balance amount shall be payable to his nominee or legal heir, as the case may be as per rules 143 and 145 of Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
14. In the case of pensioners receiving pension outside the State the concerned Treasury Officer of that State shall revise the pension and / or family pension with effect from 01.10.2017 as per provision of this order. The Treasury Officer shall authorise payment of arrear amount on account of revision of pension. The Treasury Officer shall follow the same procedure as has been indicated at paragraph 13 of this order.
By order of file Governor,
(Manju Rajpal)
Secretary, Finance (Budget)