Timely commencement of family pension in favour of spouse by banks in the event of death of the pensioners
Government Of India
Ministry Of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi – 110 066
Phones: 26174596,26174456,26174438
CPAO/IT&Tech/Bank Performance/2016-17/255
Office Memorandum
Subject: – Timely commencement of family pension in favour of spouse by banks in the event of death of the pensioners.
Attention is invited to this Office OM No. CPAO/Tech/Banks Performance/201516/45 dated-02.06.2016[Sl. No. (i) a & (i) b] followed by minutes of the meeting dated22.08.2016[Para II-(b)] on the above subject whereby Heads of all the CPPCs and Government Business Divisions of the Banks were advised to Commence the family pension to the spouse immediately on receipt of death certificate of the pensioner, proof of spouse age/date of birth and undertaking of recovery of excess payment latest within a month. However, analysis of reports prepared in CPAO regarding time taken in conversion of pension to family pension in favour of spouse of deceased pensioners shows inordinate delay in many cases. The details of these cases are available in CPPC logins on http://eppo.nic.in.
In view of the above, Heads of CPPCs and Government Business Divisions of the banks are advised to review the attached delay report and ensure compliance of the above instructions and submit the status report to CPAO along with reasons for delay by 8th March, 2017 positively by e-mail at vijay.17@gov.in
(Subhash Chandra)
Controller of Accounts
Phone No. 26174809
Encl: As above