Delay in giving pension benefits
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & pensions
23,December 2015
Delay in giving pension benefits
There is no such proposal to do away with the existing procedure of Submitting annual life certificate by the pensioner to renew their pension payment.
Yes Madam. Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare has implemented an online system called ‘BHAVISHYA’ for retiring Central Government Civil employees. The system provides for on-line tracking of pension sanction and payment process. Tracking can be done by the individual as well as the administrative authorities for all actions preparatory to grant of pension and other retirement benefits. Facility also exists for tracking payment of subsequent monthly pension. This is in line with the priorities of Government to ensure transparency and accountability in systems and processes.
At present, Bhavishya is implemented in main Secretariat of 83 Ministries/Departments & 23 attached offices involving 794 DDOs. This Department has also given on-site training to all the Drawing Disbursing Officers/Head of Offices/Pay & Accounts Offices and the dealing hands of main Secretariat of all the Ministries/Department.
This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri Satav Rajeev & others in the Lok Sabha today.
Source: PIB
R.Thandavakrishnan says
It is learnt that Govt will issue Gezette notification regarding implementation of 7 th CPC recommendations in the I st week of April 2016.,though the commission submitted the report on 19-11-2015.Prices of all commodities are increasing abnormally day by day.Govt recovered 2,25,000 tons of different varieties of DHALLS from the Godowns of different whole sale dealers from different states at the time of sale price of Toordhall at Rs.250/= per kg.This news were published in all news medias.NO further information on what happened to the quantity recovered.Whether they were confiscated ,since they kept more quantity than entitled OR returned to them. Still the price of dhall is above Rs.180/= per kg.IF confiscated ,it should have been distributed to all states to sale through PDS.No action to curb the prices.Hence Govt may please sanction Rs.50,000/=as adhoc
payment to all pensioners and employees of central Govt at the earliest,and this can be recovered from the arrears payable from 1-1-2016.