Normal Life not Affected by Labour Unions’ Strike
Press Information Bureau
Government Of India
Ministry Of Labour & Employment
02-Sep, 2015
Normal Life not Affected by Labour Unions’ Strike
Government Committed to Ensure Welfare of Workers
The impact of the strike call given by some of the Central Trade Unions has not been felt much in the most parts of the country as per information received from all over the country.
The situation remained, by and large, normal and peaceful across the country. Most of the employees attended their offices. Trains, buses, auto rickshaws, lorries plied as usual. There has been minimal effect in banking, coal, major ports & defence production units. The essential services functioned more or less normally.
The Inter-Ministerial Committee constituted by the Prime Minister had held several rounds of meetings with the representatives of Central Trade Unions to discuss their demands. The Government is positive on many of their demands without any pressure and expressed its commitment to ensure the welfare of workers.
Out of 12 Central Trade Unions, two Unions did not join the strike, three Unions remained neutral and seven Unions went on strike. It indicates that the workers want to settle their demands through the dialogue and discussion.
The workers are in agreement with the Government and are looking forward to positive steps taken by the Government on nine of their twelve demands which will be met as per their aspirations.
Source: PIB