Second National Judicial Pay Commission report
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
06-February, 2020
Second National Judicial Pay Commission submits its Report
The Second National Judicial Pay Commission has filed the main part of the Report in 4 volumes covering the subject of Pay, Pension and Allowances, in the Registry of the Supreme Court on 29.01.2020. The Commission has been constituted pursuant to the Order of the Supreme Court in All India Judges Association case and the Government of India, Ministry of Law & Justice issued a Notification dated 16.11.2017 in this regard. Shri Justice P.V. Reddi, former Judge of the Supreme Court is the Chairman, Shri Justice R. Basant, former Judge of Kerala High Court is the Member and Shri Vinay Kumar Gupta, District Judge of Delhi Higher Judicial Service is the Member-Secretary of the Commission.
The Interim Report was submitted by the Commission in 2018.
The salient recommendations are:
PAY: The Commission having considered various alternative methodologies has recommended the adoption of Pay Matrix which has been drawn up by applying the multiplier of 2.81 to the existing pay, commensurate with the percentage of increase of pay of High Court Judges. @ 3% cumulative has been applied.
As per the revised pay structure evolved by the Commission, the Junior Civil Judge/First Class Magistrate whose staring pay is Rs.27,700/- will now get Rs.77,840/-. The next higher post of Senior Civil Judge starts with the pay of Rs.1,11,000/- and that of the District Judge Rs.1,44,840/-. The highest pay which a District Judge (STS) will get, is Rs.2,24,100/-.
The percentage of Selection Grade and Super Time Scale District Judges proposed to be increased by 10% and 5% respectively.
The revised pay and pension will be effective from 01.01.2016. Arrears will be paid during the Calendar year 2020 after adjusting the interim relief.
PENSION: Pension at 50% of last drawn pay worked out on the basis of proposed revised pay scales is recommended w. e. f. 1-1-2016. The family pension will be 30% of the last drawn pay. Additional quantum of pension will commence on completing the age of 75 years (instead of 80 years) and percentages at various stages thereafter are increased. The existing ceiling of retirement gratuity and death gratuity will be increased by 25% when the DA reaches 50%.
Nodal officers will be nominated by the District Judges to assist the pensioners/family pensioners.
Recommendation has been made to discontinue the New Pension Scheme (NPS) which is being applied to those entering service during or after 2004. The old pension system, which is more beneficial, will be revived.
ALLOWANCES: The existing allowances have been suitably increased and certain new features have been added. However, the CCA is proposed to be discontinued.
Recommendations are made to improve the medical facilities and to simplify the reimbursement procedure. Medical facilities will be granted to pensioners and family pensioners also.
Certain new allowances viz. children education allowance, home orderly allowances, transport allowance in lieu of pool car facility, have been proposed. HRA proposed to be increased uniformly in all States. Steps to ensure proper maintenance of official quarters recommended.
The recommendations made by the Commission are applicable to the Judicial officers throughout the country.
Supreme Court will have to issue directions regarding the implementation of recommendations after hearing the stakeholders.
Source: PIB