Implementation of Biometric Attendance System on Indian Railways and Aadhar based authentication of Railway Employees
The Government of India, Ministry of Railways, Railway Board has issued a circular, No. E(G) 2023/LE 1-1, dated 07.06.2023, addressing the implementation of the Biometric Attendance System and Aadhar-based authentication for railway employees. The circular refers to previous instructions issued regarding the introduction and implementation of the ‘Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System’ (AEBAS) in all railway offices, as well as Aadhar authentication of railway employees.
RAILWAY BOARD/रेलवे बोर्ड
No. E(G) 2023/LE 1-1
New Delhi, Dated: 07.06.2023
The General Managers
All Zonal Railways/PUs
CORE/Allahabad, DG/RDSO
Sub:- Implementation of Biometric Attendance System on Indian Railways and Aadhar based authentication of Railway Employees.
Ref: (i) L.No. E(G)2014/LE 1-27 dated 30.12.2014.
(ii)L.No. E(G)2017/LE 1-34 dated 03.11.2017
(iii) L_No. E(G)2020/LE 1-1 dated 04.02.2020
(iv) L.No. E(G)2023/LE 1-1 dated 20.02.2023
Vide above referred letters, details instructions were issued regarding introduction/ implementation of ‘Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System’ (AEBAS) in all the offices of Railways and Aadhar authentication of Railway employees. However, as per feedback received from some of the ZRs/PUs recently, it has been observed that AEBAS has become non-functional due to COVID-19 pandemic and the commencement of the same is underway.
2. In this regard, it is mentioned that detailed instructions have already been issued from Board’s office for effective implementation of ‘Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System’ (AEBAS) over Indian Railways vide above referred letters. It is therefore, reiterated to ensure strict implementation of AEBAS in all the offices of the Railways including PUs, attached and subordinate offices and a status report in this regard be furnished to Board’s office immediately thereafter.
3. Further, it is also desired to update and verify the existing Railway employees Aadhar data including those, who are still left out for some reasons, to identify impersonation of employees and weeding out duplication of employees/ ghost employees.
This may be treated as ‘Most Immediate’.
(Deepak Peter Gabriel)
Principal Executive Director (IR)
Railway Board
Tel: 011-23047172
Email: deepak.gabriel64[at]
Room no. 402, 4″ Floor, Rail Bhavan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001.