Handling of Complaints in the Commission-seeking factual report
The Central Vigilance Commission has issued a circular modifying its Office Order No. 08/08/20 to forward complaints to the Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) for obtaining actual reports, if necessary. The CVOs are required to submit a factual report to the Commission based on scrutiny of relevant records and documents within 30 days of receiving the complaint. The CVOs should also give their recommendations or views in clear terms while forwarding the factual report. The circular instructs the CVOs to comply strictly with the directions provided.
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023
No. 021/VGL/051
Dated. 06-04-2023
Circular No. 03 /04/23
Subject: Handling of Complaints in the Commission-seeking factual report-reg.
Ref:- Commission’s Office Order No. 08/08/2020 dated 14.08.2020
In partial modification of Commission’s Office Order No. 08/08/20 dated 14.08.2020, the Commission has decided to forward complaints to the CVOs concerned for obtaining actual Reports. if necessary.
- Chief Vigilance Officers are required to submit the Factual Report to the Commission, on the basts of scrutiny of relevant records/documents only, within a period of 30 days of the receipt of the complaint/communication from the Commission. While forwarding the Factual Report. the CVOs should also give their recommendations/views in clear terms.
- The above directions may be noted for strict compliance by the CVOs.
(Rajiv Verma)