Upgradation of Pay structure of certain cadres – Implementation of Reservation policy
The South Central Railway’s Personnel Department in Secunderabad has issued a circular regarding the upgradation of pay structure for certain cadres in accordance with the reservation policy. The circular refers to Railway Board’s previous communication (RBE No. 155/2022) approving the pay structure upgrade for Group C cadres, along with the accompanying modalities. The Railway Board had clarified that reservation would apply as per existing rules during the upgradation process.
Headquarters Office,
Personnel Department,
No. P[R] 535/XIII
Dt. 04.07.2023.
Extra Divisional Officers
Sub: Upgradation of Pay structure of certain cadres – Implementation of Reservation policy – reg.
Attention is invited to Railway Board’s RBE No.155/2022 dated 17.11.2022 (circulated as this office Serial Circular No. 154/2022) have conveyed the approval of the President for upgrading the pay structure of certain Group C cadres of Ministry of Railways and also enclosed the modalities governing the above upgradation. Board vide their letter dt.01.12.2022 (circulated as this office Serial Circular No.169/2022) have issued clarifications regarding upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres, wherein against point No.(iii), Board have clarified that reservation will apply as per extant rules in upgradation of posts.
A clarification has been sought whether reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwWBDs) are also applicable in the above said upgradation of posts.
In this connection, it is advised that, Railway Board vide their RBE No.74/2022 dated 01.07.2022 (circulated as this office Serial Circular No.84/2022) have decided that instructions issued by DoP&T vide their OM dt. 17.05.2022 may be made applicable mutatis mutandis for grant of reservation in promotion to PwBDs in the non-gazetted posts of Indian Railways as identified vide Board’s letter dt. 27.02.2019.
Since the above Board’s instructions were issued prior to issue of upgradation letter dt.17.11.2022 by Railway Board, the above instructions are equally applicable in upgradation of posts of certain cadres.
This issues with the approval of PCPO.
(G.Srinivasa Naik)
for Principal Chief Personnel Officer
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