Creation of non-gazetted revenue posts (crew only) on Railways
The Ministry of Railways, Government of India, through the Railway Board, has issued RBE No. 84/2023, which pertains to the creation of non-gazetted revenue posts (crew only) on the railways. As per a previous letter from the Board, there is a ban on creating new posts without the approval of the Department of Expenditure, based on an OM dated 04.09.2020 from the Ministry of Finance. However, in response to the difficulties faced by the Zonal Railways in undertaking crew rationalization and creating non-gazetted revenue posts as part of the crew review exercise, the Ministry of Finance has granted powers to the Railways to create such posts.
रेलवे बोर्ड (RAILWAY BOARD
RBE No. 84/2023
No. F(E)-I/2020/Misc./22
New Delhi, dated 23.06.2023
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/PUs & RDSO,
(As per Standard mail list)
Sub: Creation of non-gazetted revenue posts (crew only) on Railways.
In terms of Board’s letter No. 2015-B-235 dated 10.9.2020 vide which O.M. dated 04.9.2020 of Ministry of Finance was circulated on Indian Railways, there is a ban on creation of new posts except with the approval of Department of Expenditure.
In view of the difficulties being faced by the Zonal Railways in undertaking crew rationalization and creation of non-gazetted revenue posts arising out of the crew review exercise. Ministry of Finance was approached for seeking exemption from the above mentioned provision of OM dated 04.9.2020.
Ministry of Finance, keeping in view the requirement of Railways for delegation of powers to undertake crew rationalization and create non-gazetted revenue posts necessitated by crew review exercise, have, in relaxation of their O.M. dated 04.09.2020 delegated powers to Railways to create non-gazetted revenue posts (crew only) as part of the crew review exercise.
Accordingly, Zonal railways are hereby delegated the powers for creation of non-gazetted revenue posts (crew only) if any, which is necessitated by crew review exercise in consultation with Zonal Finance.
Clarifications required , if any, arising out of this delegation may be addressed to Manpower Planning Directorate of this Ministry.
(Sonali Chaturvedi)
Joint Director/F(E)
Railway Board