Formation of extended Panels for Selections/LDCEs for promotion to Group ‘B’ post
The Government of India, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), has issued a letter dated 03.07.2023 regarding the formation of extended panels for selections/LDCEs (Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations) for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts. This communication is directed to the General Managers (P) of Central Railway, Mumbai, and Eastern Railway, Kolkata, with the attention of PCPOs (Principal Chief Personnel Officers).
New Delhi, dt:- 03.07.2023
The General Managers (P),
Central Railway, Mumbai
Eastern Railway, Kolkata
(Kind Attn.: PCPOs)
Sub.: Formation of extended Panels for Selections/LDCEs for promotion to Group ‘B’ post
Ref.: (i) Central Railway’s letter No.P/CR/260/Extended Panels dated 16.06.2023.
(ii) Eastern Railway’s letter No. CPO/8C/GroupB/CBT/30%/2023 dated 21.06.2023
With reference to Zonal Railways’ aforementioned letters, it is advised that in terms of extant -instructions contained in Board’s letters no. E(GP)/6/2/96 dated 3.6.1977, 3.8.1977 & E(GP)86/2/61 dated 10.1.1990, the candidates empanelled through 70% Selection will rank senior to those selected through the 30% LDCE.
2. Therefore, those empanelled in the ‘Extended Panel’ of 70% Selection will be placed above the candidates empanelled through 30% LDCE irrespective of their date of joining the Group ‘B’ post.
(Meenakshi Saluja)
Dy. Director, Estt.(GP)-III
Railway Board
Ph. No. 23047250
Email ID-meena.1964[at]
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