Minutes of the separate meeting held by AM(Staff) with Federation(NFIR) on 15.07.2015 on leftover PNM/NFIR Items concerning Pay Commission Directorate
The following officers and representatives of Federation(NFIR) attended the meeting:
Official Side |
S/Shri/Ms. M.Alhtar, AM (Staff) Neera Khuntia, EDPC-II K. Shankar, DE(P&A) Debashis Mallik, DE (IR) |
S/Shri Guman Singh,President M.Raghavaiah, Genl.Secy. R.P.Bhatnagar B.C.Sharma P.S.Suriyaprakasam
18/2004: Revision of special allowance to the Accounts staff for passing Appendix II and III examination with effect from 1.1.96.
9/2012: Qualification pay to Accounts staff on passing Appendix III (IREM) Examination – Rectification of anomaly.
Official side stated that a reference has been made to Ministry of Finance on 08.01.2015 for their advice as to whether the date of qualification pay in respect of Appendix III qualified staff could also be revised on the lines it has been done for the Appendix II qualified staff.
Federation, however, insisted that there was no need to make a reference to Ministry of Finance on this issue and a decision could have been taken in-house. After detailed deliberation, it was agreed to put up the file de-novo to the Board with reference to the Federation’s demand for in-house decision.
1/2011: Grant of Financial Upgradation under MACPS to the staff who are in the same Grade Pay for more than 20 Years.
This issue on MACPS is included in the list of items for discussions with Board (MS & FC).
The meeting of the Federations with Board (MS & FC) was held on 19.05.2015. However, the meeting remained inconclusive due to paucity of time and a fresh date is to be fixed. Federation requested to convene meeting at the earliest as number of MACPS issues are continued unresolved.
5/2011: Categories exempted from the period of officiating – Revision of Daily Officiating Allowance.
It was advised to the Federation that the matter is under examination and has been sent to associate finance. Federation demanded that this be finalised within 15 days’ time, which was agreed to.
9/2011: Application of Safety Related Retirement Scheme (LARSGESS) to the Loco Pilots drafted to work as Crew Controllers.
This was discussed in Fast Track Committee. A reply has been sent to the Federations vide letter No.E(P&A)I/2011/FE-4/2 dated 15.06.2015. Federation has since replied which will be examined and will be put up to MS. Federation has reiterated that there is no post designated as “Crew Controller”, while Loco Pilots are drafted to perform the duties of Crew Controller. Federation also invited Board’s attention to its letter dated 09th January, 1998 according to which, all posts of Crew Controllers were merged with Loco Pilot category, thus became part of Loco Pilot cadre. In view of this position, the Federation requested that its demand should be accepted.
16/2011: Abolition of Pay Scale and Introduction of upgraded Pay Scale with revised designation – Senior Section Engineers (Drawing) – Clarification on entry Grade Pay.
16/2013: Non-grant of benefit under MACP Scheme to the Stock Verifiers working in Zonal Railways/Production Units.
17/2013: Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme – Wrongful clarification issued by the Railway Board.
These issues on MACPS are included in the list of items for discussions with Board (MS & FC).
The meeting of the Federations with Board (MS & FC) was held on 19.05.2015. However, the meeting remained inconclusive due to paucity of time and a fresh date is to be fixed. Federation while appreciating the response of Official side, have explained the case of non-grant of MACP to Stock Verifiers and contended that the post of Stock Verifier is not a promotional post and it is only placement in the same Grade Pay and hence the MACP should be allowed. Federation also cited Board’s letter dated 07th June, 2001 wherein speaking orders were passed by the CRB clearly mentioning that the posting of Accounts Assistant as Stock Verifier is not promotion. Official Side obtained the copy of Board’s letter from the Federation for re-examining the case.
22/2011: Grant of Transport Allowance to the employees availing the facility of Workmen Trains.
It was advised to the Federation that as per information received from South Central Railway, the Workmen Train is being run exclusively for the Railway employees and hence Transport Allowance cannot be granted. Federation requested that a reply be given to them which was agreed to.
1-B/2012: VIth CPC Recommendation – Allowances to staff.
The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare informed on 22.09.2014 that they have referred the proposal for doubling of the rates of Special Allowance admissible to Nurses working in Operation Theaters/ICU to Deptt. of Expenditure for their concurrence. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare have been requested to expedite their decision in the matter on 03.02.2015.
7/2012: Payment of Allowance to the Running Staff working Duronto Express Trains.
Official Side advised that the matter is still in process in consultation with the Coaching Directorate. Federation stated that they brought this item three years back and requested for a separate meeting with MT for quick redressal which was agreed to.
22/2012: Grant of Incentive to the Accounts Stock Verifiers who have been posted from the cadre of Junior Accounts Assistant on passing Appendix – IV- A (IREM) Examination.
The data furnished by Accounts Dte. was sent to Federation vide Board’s letter dated 02.02.2015. Reply in the matter has been received on 19.03.2015, which is under consideration.
However, the Federation stated that as the rule position is very clear that the incentive was granted in view of hazardous nature of duties being performed by the Stock Verifiers, incentive should be allowed. They also requested for a separate meeting with FC.
40/2012: Admissibility of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of Railway residential accommodation.
As decided in the earlier meeting, a clarification after reviewing the matter is to be issued. Official Side stated that they propose to issue instructions in consultation with Civil Engineering Directorate. Federation stated that while they do not understand the need for a consultation with the Civil Engineering in this case, they requested the clarification be issued quickly. It was agreed to do so. The item to be closed thereafter.
56/2012: Counting of service of D-2 khalasis in CLW for extending benefits of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme – reg.
CLW’s letter dated 19.05.2014 given to Federation and it was agreed to hold a further discussion associating CPO/CLW.
58/2012: Grant of PCO Allowance to the Drawing staff (Jig & Tool) working in Parel Workshop/Western Railway.
In the last meeting it was explained to the Federation that PCO Allowance is intended to protect drop in emoluments in the case of staff transferred from Shop floor to PCO. The staff while working on Shop Floor, are entitled for Incentive Bonus which is not admissible to PCO. As such to compensate them for the loss of Incentive Bonus, PCO Allowance was introduced. However, it was agreed to call for remarks of Western Railway to ascertain the factual position in respect of the Drawing staff (Jig & Tool) working in Parel Workshop. A reference in the matter has been made to Railway vide Board’s letter dated 02.07.2014. The Railway was requested to expedite vide letter dated 15.12.2014. The Railway’s reply in the matter is awaited.
Since reply from Western Railway is still awaited, it was agreed to send a D.O reference to CPO/WR from AM(Staff).
8/2013: Committee to determine the quantum of pay element in Running Allowance –Withdrawal of Railway Board’s arbitrary decision.
8/2015: Denial of Allowance in lieu of kilometreage to the medically decategorized drivers drafted to perform duties of Power/Crew Controller – reg.
This issue is being discussed in the Committee constituted to deliberate on running staff issues.
15/2013: Rectification of MACPS anomalies – Stepping up of Pay of Senior incumbents at par with Juniors – item No.8 of the minutes of meeting held on 27/07/2012 at North Block, New Delhi.
Official side clarified that MACPS benefit is personal to the employees and as such the question of stepping up of pay does not arise.
Federation however, did not agree with the Official Side contention and pointed out that the DoP&T has already suggested to the Ministy of Railways to consider modification of Recruitment Rules for the purpose of solving the problem. Federation further stated that in the case of Drawing Staff, the Board have taken decision to treat those who joined in Grade Rs.6500-10500 (Vth CPC) as direct entrants for the limited purpose of MACPS. Federation urged that similar decision needs to be taken in the case of former CG-II/CG-I. Federation also stated that induction in Accounts Department is related with passing of mandatory Appendix Examinations which are to be construed as direct recruitment to the pay scale/grade pay.
19/2014: Denial of revised V CPC pay scale-Injustice meted out to Midwives on Western Railway.
The matter has been re-examined and Federation have accordingly been advised vide Board’s letter dated 17.03.2015.
Federation contended that in terms of Railway Board’s letter dated 30th January 2001, the pay scale of 4000-6000 was replaced with 4500-7000 now GP 2800/-. The Mid-Wives are therefore, required to be placed in 4500-7000 (5th CPC/GP 2800/-) with retrospective effect. Federation also stated that the number of mid-wives on Western Railway is single digit only.
However, it was agreed to call for details from Western Railway and to re-examine the matter.
1/2015: Career progression of Track Maintainers in Railways – implementation of the report of the Joint Committee – reg.
Official Side stated that the restructuring orders issued in the year 2012 and 2014 are yet to be fully implemented on all the zones. As such, further review will be feasible only after full implementation of the earlier orders.
Federation however, insisted that the Joint Committe Report should be implemented duly adopting the ratio 10:20:20:50 in GP 2800, 2400, 1900 & 1800 respectively. Federation also insisted that the career growth orders of Track Maintainer should be given effect with retrospective effect.
2/2015: Coverage of Track Maintainers GP 1900/- & 2400/- and Station Master category under LARSGESS.
In respect to the demand for Track Maintainers (Gangmen) is under examination in consultation with Establishment Dte.
The scheme has been envisaged only for those specified frontline safety categories, whose physical fitness and reflexes get impaired with advancing age on accounts of their specially arduous and unique nature of duties and thereby causing a potential threat to safety of train operations. The category of Station Master has not been found to eligible for consideration under the Scheme keeping in view of their nature of duties.
Federation however, did not subscribe with the views expressed by the Official Side with regard to Station Master category.
Federation contended that the nature of duties of Station Master category are such that over a period of time their reflexes will get deteriorated leading to safety hazards to self as well to the travelling public. Hence, the Federation wanted that the issue be reviewed further.
10/2015: Payment of Diet Allowance to Staff Attending Break – down duties.
It was advised by the Official Side that the fixation of the rates for food has been delegated to the General Managers of the Zonal Railways. In case it is felt that the rates are on on the lower side on any Zonal Railway, the matter may be taken up with the Zonal Railway concerned.
The Federation, however, requested to reiterate the existing orders which was agreed to. The Item may be closed thereafter.
11/2015: Denial of payment of HRA, Transport Allowance etc., to trainees appointed on compassionate ground in Grade Pay 1900/- in artisan category etcreg.
Reply has been sent to Federation on 10.07.2015. Federation invited the attention of Railway Board to the DoP&T guidelines circulated under OM dated 03rd April 2012 which clearly clarify that a person appointed as ‘Trainee’ enjoys the status of a Government servant from initial day and will be allowed all the allowances and benefits allowed to a Government servant, irrespective of Grade Pay and wanted the Railway Board to comply with the said OM of DoP&T. After discussion it was agreed to examine.
15/2015: Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to SSE – Drawing (formerly diploma holder tracers) appointed against D.R. quota vacancies as Assistant Draftsman (presently JE-Drawing with GP 4200 in PB-2) – reg.
It was explained to the Federation that the reference by S.C. Rly. Vide their letter dated 20.10.2014 has been examined and it has been noted that the promotions of the concerned staff belonging to Tracers cadre who were initially allowed promotions against the 50% direcct recruitment in Asst. Draftsman cadre were subsequently preponed and have been allowed promotions w.e.f 01.01.1984 in terms of para-VI of Board’s restructuring instructions dt. 25.06.1985. It is further stated that the post of Asstt. Draftsman was next higher functional post for Tracers Category. In terms of point 31 of Board’s instructions/clarifications dt. 19.02.2002, where placement in higher grade involves assumption of higher duties and responsibilities then such upgradation will be viewed as promotions/ upgradation and, therefore, has to be reckoned for the purpose of ACP/MACP Scheme.
Federation however, has not agreed with the stand taken by the Official Side as above and contended that serving Diploma Holders were inducted as Assistant Draftsman against Direct Recruitment quota vacancies as per Railway Board’s orders vide letter No.E(NG)III/79/RC-1/49 dated 21/04/1980. Hence their induction should be treated as appointment for the purpose of MACPS. Federation also contended that denying the MACP benefit on the pretext that the staff got restructuring benefit is not correct in view of the fact that they were placed in the higher pay scale on their empanelment against Direct Recruitment quota vacancies as per Board’s orders.
18/2015: Arbitrary discontinuance of Nursing Allowance to ANOs working in Railway Hospitals – reg.
It was explained that Nursing Allowance is linked to the nature of duties. As per the Duties and Responsibilities of ANOs, they perform overall supervision of nursing services and are not involved in nursing activities. Therefore, a clarification was issued vide Board’s letter dated 13.05.2014 that they are not eligible for Nursing Allowance.However, the matter is under further examination in consultation with Health Directorate.
Federation contended that the Nursing Personnel irrespective of their status/grade pay are entitled for Nursing Allowance in terms of Government’s decision (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare OM No. Z.28015/71/2008-N dated 19th November 2008) and hence the Nursing Allowance should be restored and arrears paid to the ANOs.
19/2015: Allotment of revised pay structure for Official Language Staff on Indian Railways – reg.
The conditions laid down in Board’s letter dated 13.09.2012 have been stipulated by Ministry of Finance while according approval for change of pay structure of CSOLS staff.
As per these stipulations, revision was to have prospective effect and was linked to change in Recruitment Rules on lines of those in CSOLS and involves phasing out of grade of Rajbhasha Sahayak Gr.II.
As regard to placement of Rajbhasha Adhikari in PB-3, GP 5400 it is stated that Recruitment Rules of Rajbhasha Adhikari are different than those of Asstt. Director inCSOLS. Further, there is no decision of the Govt. to make any change in the pay structure of Asstt. Directors of CSOLS.
Federation stated that it will examine the Official Side clarification and comeback for discussion.
Source: Original Order Click here