Obtaining of Life Certificate by Banks from the doorstep of the pensioners.
RBA No. 54 /2020
No. 2020/AC-II/21/3
New Delhi dated : 02.7.2020
General Manager,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Sub: Obtaining of Life Certificate by Banks from the doorstep of the pensioners.
Ref:- D/o Pension & Pensioners Welfare’s Circular No. 12/4/2020- P&PW(C)-6300, dated 17.01.2020
A copy of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M. no. 12/4/2020-P&PW0-6300 dated January 17th, 2020 (17.01.2020) on the above subject is enclosed for information, guidance and compliance.
DA: 1 letter as cited as above.
(V. Prakash)
Joint Director Accounts
Railway Board
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
8th Floor, Janpath Bhawan,
Janpath, New Delhi-01.
Dated: January 17, 2020
Subject: Obtaining of Life Certificate by Banks from the doorstep of the pensioners
The undersigned is directed to say that instructions have been issued from time to time, for submission of Life Certificate by pensioners, in the month of November every year. Attention is also drawn to the following circulars, meant to facilitate submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners and ensure Ease of Living for them:
i. CPAO/Tech/Grievances/2010-11/531, dated 30.06.2011, issued by Central Pension Accounting Office, New Delhi, which provides for exemption from personal appearance by Pensioners submitting Life Certificate, if the prescribed form in Annexure-XVII of Para 15.2(i) of Scheme Booklet, is signed by certain specified authorities.
ii. CPAO/Tech/Life Certificate/2014-15/31-32, dated 30.01.2015, issued by Central Pension Accounting Office, New Delhi, which highlights the Digital Life Certificate mode of submission as part of Prime Minister’s “Digital India” scheme.
iii. RBI/2014-15/587, dated 07.05.2015, issued by the Reserve Bank of India, prescribing mandatory issue of acknowledgement to Pensioners on submission of Life Certificates and promoting the use of Digital Life Certificates among Pensioners, which would eliminate the need for their physical presence at branches.
iv. RBI/2017-18/89, dated 09.11.2017, issued by Reserve Bank of India, directing Banks for enabling Ease of submitting Life Certificate, whereby a Pensioner can submit Life Certificate in any branch of the pension paying Bank and the same is uploaded promptly in CBS by the receiving branch itself. It also directs all Banks to ensure Door-step submission of Life Certificate facility, along with Banking facility to all senior citizens of more than 70 years of age and differently abled or infirm persons, including pick up of cash and delivery of cash against withdrawal.
v. OM No. 1/20/2016-P&PW(E), dated 14,11,2017, issued by Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, which re-iterates RBI’s concern w.r.t. old/infirm pensioners, for whom Banks should make concrete efforts to provide the facility of obtaining Life Certificate from their premises/residence and exempt personal appearance.
vi. OM No, 1/20/2018-P&PW (E), dated 18.07.2019, issued by Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, which prescribes that pensioners aged 80 years and above may be allowed to give their Life Certificate w.e.f. 1st October every year, which would be valid till 30th November of the subsequent year, in order to provide Senior pensioners with an exclusive window at Banks, for the activity and avoid the general rush.
(2) In spite of detailed instructions, as brought out above, it has been observed that a large number of pensioners (around 8-10 percent) are unable to submit their Life Certificate by the stipulated date, i.e. 30th November every year on account of various reasons. The pension disbursing authorities/banks are constrained to discontinue disbursement of their monthly pension, in such cases, due to non-submission of the Life Certificate. Such pensioners face a lot of difficulty in re-commencement of their pension.
(3) In order to promote Ease of Living for Pensioners and minimize the cases of non-submission of Life Certificate by the pensioners and ensure uninterrupted disbursement of pension to them, in addition to the instructions contained in Para 1 above, the following instructions are hereby issued for strict compliance: –
i. All Pension disbursing banks shall send SMSs/E-mails to the pensioners on 24th October, 1st November, 15th November and 25th November, every year reminding them to submit their Annual Life Certificate by the stipulated date, i.e. 30th November.
ii. All Pension disbursing banks shall make an exception list, as on 1st December every year, of those pensioners who fail to submit their Life Certificate by 30th November and send SMS/E-mail to the pensioners included in the aforesaid exception list advising them to submit the Life Certificate at the earliest to avoid discontinuation of their pension. The Bank shall also ask such pensioners, through SMS/E-mail, as to whether they are interested in submission of Life Certificate through a doorstep visit by the bank. Wherever a call centre /App based facility is available, Banks should also encourage taking request for doorstep visits through such modes. The banks shall not charge any Pensioner more than Rs. 60/- for such a doorstep visit. In line with the Reserve Bank of India circular, RBI/2014-15/587, dated 07.05.2015, all banks shall encourage promoting Life Certificate through Digital means.
iii. As regards pensioners who have failed to submit their Life certificate in the year 2019, the banks will prepare an exception list of such pensioners immediately and follow the steps mentioned in sub-para 3(ii) above.
iv. The CPPCs of Pension Disbursing Banks (in case of more than 1 CPPC in any Bank, then one nominated official on behalf of the bank as a whole) shall report to the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare in the months of January, February and March respectively the total number of Central Govt Pensioners who have given the Life Certificate, the total number of Pensioners who have not given their Life Certificate, along with a break-up of the certificates submitted physically and through digital means, on the following email address: rajesh.kr73@nic.in
(4) CPPCs/Branches of your bank may be advised to strictly comply with the above instructions. The banks are also requested to give wide publicity by putting up these instructions in their websites and also on the notice boards of the branches of the bank etc.
This is issued with the approval of competent authority.
Hindi version will follow.
(Rajesh kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel No. 23310108