Withdrawal of all the facilities provided to All India OBC Railway Employees Federation
The Indian Ministry of Railways has withdrawn all facilities provided to the All India OBC Railway Employees Federation (AIOBCREF) following the withdrawal of the list of its office bearers by the Railway Board. The discontinuation of facilities will remain until a new regular CEC body for AIOBCREF is formed or until further notice. The decision was approved by the competent authority and communicated to all Indian Railways and production units.
(Railway Board)
No. 202 1-E(SCT)I/71/6 (PLT)
New Delhi, dated- 10.05.2023
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
Sub: Withdrawal of all the facilities provided to All India OBC Railway Employees Federation.
Ref Board’s letter No. 2021-E(SCT)I/7 1/6 (Pt.1) dated 20.03.2023
The list of the office bearers of All India OBC Railway Employees Federation(AIOBCREF) circulated vide Board’s letter dated 09.11.2022 and 14.12.2022 authenticating its office bearers has since been withdrawn. Consequently, all the facilities being provided to the All India OBC Railway Employees Federation may also be discontinued forthwith till further order or regular CEC body (AIOBCREF) is formed.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(MK Meena)
Joint Director Estt.(Res.)
Railway Board
Mail Id: maheshkr.meena69@gov.in
Tele No. 011-23047186