Railway Order – 7th CPC- Payment of Risk and Hardship Allowance for Track Maintainers working in Construction Organizations
Government Of India
Ministry Of Railways
(Railway Board)
New Delhi, dated 14-03-2019
The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110055
Sub: Recommendations of 7th CPC- Payment of Risk and Hardship Allowance for Track Maintainers working in Construction Organizations- reg.
Dear Sir,
Please refer to your letter No.IV/NFIR/7 CPC(Imp)/2016/Allowance/Part II dt. 18.02.2019 wherein it has been requested that the decision of the Board contained in Letter No.PC-VII/2017/1/7/5/4 dated 25.10.2018 be reviewed and the Track Maintainers working in Construction Organizations and USFD wings be extended the Risk and Hardship Allowance.
2. In this context, it is stated that the Board is already in the process of reviewing the decision taken earlier for not granting the Risk and Hardship Allowance to trackmen posted in Construction Organizations. In order to undertake a comprehensive and detailed examination of the matter, certain details were called from the Zonal Railways and Production Units vide Board’s letter No.PC-VII/2017/1/7/5/4 dated 27.12.2018 (Annexure-I). However, the required clarifications were received from only 5 Railways/PUs and hence a reminder regarding the same has been sent to the remaining Railways/PUs on 20.02.2019 (Annexure-II). The case can be further examined only when the required information is received from the Railways/PUs. Further, in the meantime, a Committee has also been formed to holistically examine the inclusion of fresh categories within the ambit of Risk and Hardship Allowance introduced by the 7th CPC (Annexure-III). The Committee consists of a representative each from both the Federations. Sh. Guman Singh, President/NFIR is the representative of NFIR.
3. In view of the above, it is therefore informed that the matter raised in your letter is already under sincere examination in Board’s Office. Any further instructions in the matter will be made available to NFIR in due course. However, it may perhaps be prudent that any and all issues regarding inclusion of any fresh category or review of eligibility or amount of R&H Allowance to any category may be raised only before the aforementioned committee meant especially for this purpose and consisting of representatives of both the federations.
For Secretary,
Railway Board