Railway Order – Minimum educational qualification for recruitment from open market in Level – l (RBE No. 35/ 2019)
RBE No. 35/ 2019
No, E(NG)II/261 7/RR-1/12
New Delhi, Dated 26.02.2019
The General Manager(P)
All Zonal Raitways/PUs.
Sub: Minimum educational qualification for recruitment from open market in Level – l
Attention is invited to instructions issued vide this Ministry’s letter circulated under RBE No.148/2018 dated 25.09.2018 specifying that minimum educational qualification for direct recruitment to posts in Level-1, through all modes, against direct recruitment quota in Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and S&T departments would be 10th pass plus National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT or 10 th pass plus ITI.
2. The matter has been reviewed. It has been decided by this Ministry that minimum educational qualification for the forthcoming open market recruitment in Level-l of pay matrix of 7th CPC in all departments will be same as that for recruitment notification vide CEN 02/2018, i.e. 10th pass OR ITI OR equivalent OR National Apprenticeship Certificate(NAC) granted by NCVT.
3. The stipulations contained in Board’s letters circulated under RBE No. 25/2018 regarding relaxation in upper age limit and para 3 of RBE No.31/2018 regarding fee to be charged from candidates respectively hold good for forthcoming recruitment process as well.
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
5. Hindi version will follow.
Jt. Director/E(NG)E
Railway Board