Risk and Hardship Allowance to mate, Keymen & Patrolman, Extension of Risk and Hardship Allowance to P.way artisans including
New Delhi, dated 28.08.2018
Sub: Risk and Hardship Allowance to mate, Keymen & Patrolman, Extension of Risk and Hardship Allowance to P.way artisans including their Helpers and Enhanced Allowance to Gatekeepers at Spl. and a- class level Crossing.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of finance’s Resolution No.11-1/2016-IC dated 06.07.2017 communicating the decision of Govt. of India w.r.t. the recommendations of 7th CPC on allowances to state that the recommendations of 7th CPC to grant Risk and Hardship allowance at the rate Rs.2700/- p.m. under cell R3H2 of Risk and Hardship Matrix to Track Maintainers category of Indian Railways has been implemented in this Ministry through order No.PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/4 dated 10.08.2017 (Annexure-I).
2. Now, it has been proposed with the approval of Railway Board that the following changes in the Risk And Hardship Allowance may be introduced in respect of various categories of Indian Railways.
(a) Increase Risk and Hardship Allowance from Rs.2700/- per month (R3H2 categorisation) to 6000/- (R2H2) for Mate and keymen.
(b) Increase Risk and Hardship Allowance from Rs.2700/- p.m. (R3H2) to 4100/- (R3H1) for Trackmen performing patrolling duty.
(c) Increase in Level Crossing Gate Allowance from Rs.1000/- (R3H3) to 4100/- (R3H1) for Gateman working in Special & ‘A’ class Gates.
(d) Include all P.way Artisans & their helpers also in the R&H Matrix for payment Rs.2700/- (R3H2) as for Trackmen.
2. The assessed additional financial implications of these proposals at para No.2 above are approximately Rs.222 crores per annum. The detailed position w.r.t. each of these proposals mentioned above are enclosed as Annexure II. Detailed calculation of the additional annual financial implications of the aforementioned proposals is placed at Annexure-III
3. It is requested that Mof may kindly consider for approval of para 2 (a, b,c & d)
(s.Balachandra Iyer)
Executive Director, Pay Commission-II
Railway Board.
Source: NFIR