Standardized alphabetical codes for Zones & Divisions
The Ministry of Railways, Government of India, has issued a directive to all Zonal Railways and Production Units regarding the implementation of standardized alphabetical codes for Zones and Divisions. The purpose of this measure is to avoid any discrepancies in the codes used across different railway applications maintained separately by CRIS (Centre for Railway Information Systems) and the Rate Branch System (RBS). The Railway Board has approved the use of these standardized codes to ensure uniformity and consistency in the coding system employed throughout Indian Railways.
No. 2023/E&R/1(7)/1
New Delhi, dt. 17.07.2023
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways &PUs.
Sub: Standardized alphabetical codes for Zones & Divisions.
To avoid any mismatch/contradiction in the codes of Zones and Divisions maintained separately in multiple IR-applications by CRIS & Rate Branch System (RBS), Board (CRB & CEO) has approved the use of standardized alphabetical codes for Zones and Divisions across Indian Railways. The list of standardized codes for the above enclosed herewith for ready reference.
The above directives have been put forth to ensure standardization and uniformity in the coding system employed across all Indian Railways applications. It is essential that these instructions are duly implemented within all |R-applications & in each zonal railway to ensure seamless integration and compatibility across the network and due consideration is given to Upper and lowercase while using the codes.
The older codes on stations, other installations and rolling stock should be gradually replaced by the above standardized codes of Zones and Divisions during next painting cycle/POH etc.
(Sanjeev Kumar)
Executive Director(E&R)
Railway Board
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