MACP Anomaly in 7th CPC Matrix Level – Detail Illustration
Recently NFIR writes letter to Railway board with the subject “MACPS anomaly as a result of implementation of 7th CPC Pay Matrix levels”
NFIR given illustration relating to no benefit in certain situations where the employee is granted MACP, also NFIR requested rectification from the Railway Board.
In the existing pay matrix the stages of pay are same in most of the levels such as level 2 & 3, 6 & 7 , 7 & 8 etc.
In case an employee is upgraded under MACP from one level to another level, his pay will be exactly same as he/she may have drawn even without receiving the benefit under MACP. He/She get only one increment, no benefit in promotion.
Here is the detail Illustration for all pay scales in the level 2 & 3, 6 & 7 , 7 & 8
mani says
Govt will never care for defence and their anomalies in orop such as OROP table 7 and 9 and 7 the cpc anomalies for defence pensioners. Govt look into this case In OROP Table 7 and 9 both Table are equal grade but the pension basic is varied why this contra vercy. It must be equal in both OROP table 7 and 9. Govt must correct this variation which has already been submitted by one man commission.
Ramachandran KK says
I think that the news about the soldiers are stopped altogether. They are only remembered during a war like situation or some natural calamity where rest of india fear to go for helping the needy people. In such condition the soldiers work without rest to save the needy persons without demanding any extra allowances or favours from the government..