Grant of Dearness Allowance to the State Government Employees/ Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of Non—Government Educational Institutions / Employees of Statutory Bodies / Government Undertakings / Panchayats including Panchayat Karmee and Municipal Corporation / Municipalities, Local Bodies etc. who are drawing their pay in the pre-revised scale with effect from January 01, 2016
NO.8432- F(P2)
Dated, the 14th December,2015
Subject : Grant of Dearness Allowance to the State Government Employees/ Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of Non—Government Educational Institutions / Employees of Statutory Bodies / Government Undertakings / Panchayats including Panchayat Karmee and Municipal Corporation / Municipalities, Local Bodies etc. who are drawing their pay in the pre-revised scale with effect from January 01, 2016.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Order No.144 -F (P2) dated 09-01-2015 January, 2015 revising the Dearness Allowance with effect from 01-01-2015 in respect of the State Government Employees/ Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of Non—Government Educational Institutions / Employees of Statutory Bodies / Government Undertakings / Panchayats including Panchayat Karmee and Municipal Corporation / Municipalities, Local Bodies etc. who are drawing their pay in the pre-revised scale of pay.
The rates of Dearness Allowance to above categories of employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 139% to 156% with effect from 01-01-2016. All other conditions as laid down in 10902-F (P) dated 09-12-2009 will continue to apply.
The Dearness Allowance sanctioned here in above shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee in each case.
It has also been decided that in the case of Public Undertakin / Statutory Bodies the additional expenditure should be borne by such Undertakings / Bodies thems Ives out of their own resources or out of financial assistance provided to them in the budget and th t no additional financial assistance will be given to them on account of sanction of Dearness Allowance.
O.S.D & E.O. Joint Secretary to
the Government of West Bengal
Signed Copy Click here
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