Medical facilities to the dependent sons of Railway employees/Railway pensioners
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
No.I/12/Part VI
Dated: 18/07/2020
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Provision of medical facilities to the dependent sons of Railway employees/Railway pensioners — modification of extant provision-reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No.2008/H-3/2/15 dated 16/2/2009 & 22/2/2018
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No.2008/H-1/2/15 dated 25/02/2020
Kind attention of Railway Board is invited to the instructions issued vide letters dated 16/02/2009, 22/02/2018 and 25/02/2020 which provide that “unmarried son over 21 years of age, without an upper age limit, even if not a student or invalid is eligible for medical facilities, provided he is wholly dependent on and resides with the Railway employee” duly amending para 601(5) & 601 (6) of IRMM-2000 through relevant Advance Correction Slip.
In this connection, NFIR brings to the notice of Railway Board that representations continued to be received from Railway employees and as well Railway pensioners through our affiliated Unions, that these instructions do not cover the cases of sons/daughters of Railway employees whose marriages have failed and declared null and void by the Court of Law. Federation further desires state that of late, there is rise in number of such cases due to increased job losses in Government/Public/Private sectors on account of various reasons like Change/Upgradation of Technologies leading to lay offs or declaring the employees surplus. Federation feels that apart from various other social reasons, the job losses/increase in unemployment is another big reason for failure of the marriage of sons of Railway employees. Therefore, the Federation suggests that the amendment made vide para 601 (5) & 601 (6) be prefixed with word “Divorced” son as follows:-
“Divorced/unmarried sons or daughters over 21 years of age without an upper age limit, even if not a student or invalid provided he/she wholly dependent on and resides with the Railway employee or the Railway pensioner“.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to kindly consider and issue modified instructions to the Zonal Railways etc., soon, duly endorsing copy to the Federation.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR