7th Pay Commission Upgradation of Junior Accounts Assistant (JAAs) from GP Rs.2800 to GP Rs.4200
No. PC-VII/2018/R-U/21
New Delhi, dated: 02-11-2018
The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 55.
Sub: Upgradation of Junior Accounts Assistant (JAAs) from GP Rs.2800 to GP Rs.4200 in Railways — Implementation of the 7th CPC recommenations (Para 11.62.15) — reg.
Ref: NFIR’s letter No.NT1R/7th CPC(Imp)/2016/R.B./Part II dated 07.09.2018.
Please refer to Federation’s letter quoted above raising therein that candidates in past were subjected to written test by RSC(RRB) followed by oral interview and demanding for Level-6 (erstwhile GP-4200) to JAAs from Level-5 (erstwhile GP-2800) on the ground of such interview.
2. With respect to above it is stated in order to reduce the extent of subjectivity to the maximum possible and to expedite the selection process, interviews were dispensed with in almost all of the categories since 1999 (including, JAAS) Copy of Board’s letter dated 18.09.1999 (RBE No.56/99) issued to the effect is enclosed for reference. It is therefore requested that the matter as has also been discussed in the Federation’s PNM as item no.10/2017 may kindly be closed.
Encl. As above.
For Secretary, Railway Board