Appointment on compassionate grounds-window/wives not having minimum educational qualification for the post of Level-1
RBE No.51/2018
New Delhi, dated 06.04.2018
The General Manager(P)
All Indian Railways & PUs.
Sub: Appointment on compassionate grounds-window/wives not having minimum educational qualification for the post of Level-1.
Pursuant to the issuance of 7th CPC recommendation, as there was no mention about the appointment of compassionate grounds for those who do not fulfill the requisite educational qualification for the posts of Level – 1, Zonal Railways have sought clarification as to what action is to be taken with regard to appointment on compassionate grounds to the window/wives of Railway Servants who die in harness or retire on medical unfitness and do not have minimum educational qualification for the posts in Level-1.
2. The matter was under consideration of this Ministry for quite some time. It has now been decided that in case of appointment of a widow/wife not having requisite minimum educational qualification, she will be placed in the Level-1 of the Pay Matrix introduced on implementation of 7th CPC report, without insisting on fulfillment of educational qualification norms, provided the appointing authority is satisfied that the duties of the post against which she is being appointed can be perforemed with the help of some on job training.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Neeraj Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)II,
Railway Board.